Author: hughfarey

“Call me Crurifragius!”

Muddlehead: I wish my master was dead!Eyebald: Then why not do something about it?Muddlehead: I wouldn’t mind.Eyebald: Tell me how.Muddlehead: You couldn’t keep it secret.Eyebald: My lips are zipped.Muddlehead: I know you too well.Eyebald: No, honestly, trust me.Muddlehead: Only as far as I can throw you.Eyebald: All right, listen. You know my master hates yours?Muddlehead: […]

The 1981 STuRP Conference – Part Two

[n.b.. All the recordings can be found at (, the essential compendium of everything related to the Shroud, founded and maintained by Barrie Schwortz since before the birth of Google!] SUNDAY MORNING Sunday began with an explanation of the X-ray fluorescence spectra, by Larry Schwalbe. His diagrams seem to be those published in Morris, […]

The Radiocarbon Data were correct (!)

[ADDENDUM: Since this article was first published, Michael Kowalski has kindly made some significant corrections, for which I am very grateful. They concern the dates when critics of the radiocarbon results first raised their objections, and a numerical error on my part which I certainly shouldn’t have made. I could have made these corrections invisibly, […]

Book Review: The Shroud of Jesus

THE SHROUD OF JESUS: AND THE SIGN JOHN INGENIOUSLY CONCEALEDby Gilbert Lavoie, MD, published by the Sophia Institute Press, 2023. Gilbert Lavoie is a practising medical physician whose association with the Shroud goes back to 1978 and the STuRP investigation, some of whose lead scientists he knows well. However he has very much ploughed his […]